The General Child Welfare and Protection Directorate of district 6

  • The General Child Welfare and Protection Directorate of district 6 is authorized to implement welfare measures to ensure the protection of children, families, persons living alone, elderly, persons with disabilities, as well as of any other individual in need of assistance, within district 6.
  • The authority has the role to identify and settle the community’s social issues in the field of protection of children, families, persons living alone, elderly, persons with disabilities and of any other individual in need of assistance.
  • Its mission is to ensure the specialized response and provide assistance and protection for children found in challenging circumstances and their families, through all forms and means within its scope.
  • It is focused on the development of services aimed at preventing or solving risk situations that may lead to family conflicts and separation of the child from the family.
  • Contact information: 38-40 Cernișoara Str., district 6, Tel./Fax: 021/7457237; 021/7456229; e-mail:, web:


What is the emergency helpline 119?

119 is a unique national number for reporting cases of abuse, neglect, exploitation and any other forms of violence against children, which do not require the immediate intervention of specialized units within the 112 Emergency Service.

119 Helpline may be called by:

  • natural persons: children, children’s families, relatives, neighbors etc.
  • legal entities: school, hospital etc.


The 119 helpline is:

  • available in all public communication networks in Romania; may be called from any area across the country.
  • is free of charge.
  • is available to all children whenever they require assistance, 24/7.
  • is a helpline for children. A helpline for children is a telecommunication and information/response service designed for children and youngsters up to the age of 18.
  • it is meant to provide support and assistance to children who are in crisis/danger, as well as immediate emotional support. It is dedicated to children who require care and protection by providing a real and immediate support.


Examples of emergencies that may be reported: a child’s life is in danger, a child has suffered sexual abuse, a child under the age of 8 is left alone in the house, a child who requires emergency help, a child who refuses to go home, a child who is severely neglected, a child forced to do intolerable labor, sexual exploitation, child trafficking, violence at school, bullying, cyberbullying (internet violence).

  • Calls made to 119 are handled by professionals with experience in the field of child’s rights protection.


119 provides the following services:

  • risk assessment,
  • social-emotional assistance of children victims of violence or their caretaker;
  • transfer to other response services: mobile team, team of psychologists, emergency number 112. The mobile team comprising two experts in assessing cases of violence (social worker, psychologist), is responsible with handling interventions in the field, and conducting the initial assessment of abuse, neglect, exploitation and any other form of violence against children.
  • referral for long-term intervention;
  • education on child’s rights;
  • advice on child’s protection.