For Parents

Ideas to help and stimulate your child

Ideas to help the psycho-social recovery of child victims

  • Create opportunities (or topics) while doing an activity or playing together. Talking during play, making a model ship, or drawing together with the child are ways of getting closer and creating a certain state of comfort.
  • Ask your child how they would like to be encouraged.
  • Use books/stories/music to distract and calm the child, especially at night when thoughts that might frighten him/her arise.
  • Give of your time and attention: listen.
  • Tackle taboo subjects: ask honestly.
  • Look for changes in expression and behaviour that suggest particular problems (e.g. fear, guilt, depression).
  • Allow visits from your child’s special friends.
  • Discourage social isolation.
  • Provide an occasional opportunity for isolation, a place for the child to express emotions and be alone and quiet.


„Proceduri de lucru pentru recuperarea psiho-socială a copilului victimă – Ghid pentru profesioniști”, Save the Children Association Iasi, september 2015