For specialists

Dissociation in children and adolescents

Traumatic childhood experiences, such as emotional, physical and sexual abuse, are associated with the development of complex symptomatology, including dissociation, […]

What is sexual grooming?

Sexual grooming refers to the actions or behaviors of the perpetrator manifested with the conscious intention of establishing an emotional […]

Post-traumatic stress disorder in children and adolescents

Child sexual abuse is one of the most devastating forms of traumatization, leaving a severe impact on victim’s mental health. […]

Post abuse symptomatology in the context of child hearing

Why is important to take into account about symptomatology that can be developed by minors victims as following of sexual […]

Children disclosing abuse

Sexual abuse is the most under-reported of all forms of abuse and the most difficult to ‘detect’ (compared to child […]

How memory works – relevant aspects for hearing of children victims of abuses

Knowledge of how the memory works and how the mnezic processes are affected during the traumatic events are aspects that […]

Psychological expertise of child victims of sexual abuse

If a case of sexual abuse of a minor is being investigated, the prosecuting authority may order a psychological examination […]

Sexual behavior in children – between normal and problematic

When we talk about the development of sexual behaviors in children we may face difficulties in defining and identifying appropriate […]

Suggestibility of children – sexual abuse victims

When it comes to the hearing of minors – victims of sexual abuse, where there are no direct witnesses, the […]

How to build rapport with children in the hearing?

Hearing minors who have been victims of sexual abuse or other types of violence is a constant challenge for investigators. […]